New $0.75/1 Energizer EcoAdvanced Batteries Coupon = Only $1.50 Per 4-Pack At Walgreens (Thru 9/26)
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Head over to to print this new $0.75/1 Energizer EcoAdvanced batteries coupon. With Christmas only 3 months away 😀 , now would be a great time to stock up on batteries for all of those gifts! Plus, check out the nice deal you can grab at Walgreens through today, 9/26…
Buy 2 Energizer Eco Advanced AA or AAA Batteries 4 packs, $6.99 each
Total for both after the 25% off sale = $10.50
Use two $0.75/1 Energizer EcoAdvanced batteries coupons found here
And, use the $2/1 Energizer Eco Advanced AA or AAA Batteries Walgreens store coupon found in the September Savings Booklet (- will deduct $4)
Pay $5
Submit for $2 from Ibotta for purchasing 2 packs any size/variety energizer batteries thru 9/30
Final cost after cash back – just $3, only $1.50 per pack!