By Super Hero Belts Only $9.99 each!

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1Get the little super-hero in your life the best belt ever! These super hero belts are super awesome and come to the rescue of saggy pants! 5 great styles to choose from and are only $9.99 each.

Belts are 27 inches long not including the buckle and should fit a typical 2-8 year old. Buckle is removeable so you can put it on a bigger belt and they grow. Easy to undo for little hands at potty time. If you order more than 2 belts, you will receive 2 shipments. We will ship them 2 to a bag to save you on shipping.


$3.00 for the first item and $1.50 for each additional item. US only. Estimated to ship between Feb 13 – Feb 14.

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