Bath & Body Works: Free Item ($14 Value!) with ANY $10 Purchase + More
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Bath & Body Works shoppers! Through April 22nd, score a FREE Item (up to a $14 value!) with any $10 purchase + Free shipping on orders of $40 or more – just be sure to enter the code FREECHARM at checkout. If you prefer to shop at your local store, check your inbox for an email titled “2 days only – FREE gift just for you!?” coming from the address and print the email or show it on your phone to snag your FREE Item with a $10 in-store purchase.
And, First Look members (if you have yet to sign up, head over here), check your Inbox for an email with the Subject Line “Be the first to get our Spring Tote!?” from the email address If you did receive this email, it contains a unique online only coupon code valid for early access to purchase the Spring Getaway Tote for just $20 ($102 value) with a $40 purchase – expires April 24th